Key Info
Where: Tenhou Lobby L1066 –
When: Every Saturday evening from 8pm
Text or Voice Chat:
What is it?
The JanKenRon community are hosting online riichi sessions for UK players. Games start every Saturday from approximately 8pm and run for however long people want to keep playing. Currently these are intended to be social games – the aim is for people to have fun, and for those who don’t live near an existing mahjong club (or do but it’s suspended due to a global pandemic) to be able to play on a regular basis.
Games will be played online on Tenhou, which is available for free and played inside a web browser. The interface is natively in Japanese, however browser add-ons are available to translate it into English for both Chrome and Firefox.
Is this some sort of league?
Currently these games are just for fun and are not intended to be competitive. In the future we may start to take records and keep scores for games if there’s interest, but at the moment games are for temporary bragging rights at most!
Do I need to register somewhere?
No registration is needed – just turn up on the night around 8pm. Games will be started as and when we have four free players to make a new table, and will be seated on first-come, first-serve basis. There is no requirement on the number of hanchan you need to play in, and players who arrive late can still play if they are happy to wait for the next slot of four players.
I’m not a UK player, can I still play?
At this point in time we would prefer to keep this to mahjong players who were born in, or currently reside in, the UK.
I’ve never used Tenhou before – what do I do?
If you’re unsure or run into issues, just ask on the Discord or any of the Facebook groups and someone should be able to help you out. The interface is fairly simple, and with the English UI add-on it is straightforward in-game so long as you already know how to play mahjong.