WhITelion’s Quiz Corner – Issue 1
For today, you, the reader, will be undertaking a series of trivia questions!
For our first issue, you will be going through questions about hand shapes with multiple waits, taken from: http://www.hakusa.net/marjong/quiz/q/a-tamen.htm.
Forewarning: The answers to these questions might not be intuitive.

wait. You must be waiting on no other tiles as well. Note that if you have 4 of any tile in your hand, you are not considered to be waiting on that tile.
What kind of hand shapes can these 4 players have?
). What is your hand?
If you find this question hard to understand, take this shape for example:

– Winning with the
gives you 

for a 

– Winning with the
gives you 


for a 

Now you will need to find a shape that yields three combinations like the above!
Stuck? Try looking at the answers section below!

For the first shape, it is waiting on 

, with
being fully blocked off, resulting in a 

For the second shape, it is a wait on 

, with
being fully blocked off, resulting in a 

For the third shape, you can divide it into two distinct final wait shapes:


… and:


The first shape is waiting on 

, and the second shape is waiting on 

. However, the
is fully blocked off in your hand, ultimately resulting in a 


For the first shape, we can see the following patterns:
If you win with the


, leading to an 

If you win with the


, leading to a 

If you win with the



, leading to a 

For the second shape, the patterns are:
If you win with the


, leading to a 

If you win with the


, leading to a 

If you win with the


, leading to a 

And you have successfully reached the end of today’s quiz issue! See you next time.
Question 1:
Find a shape that features a

Question 2:
All 4 players are in tenpai for a

Question 3:
Right now, you are in tenpai for a multi-way wait hand. Your winning tiles can give you 3 different kinds of iipeikou (Example:

Answers & Short explanations:
Question 1:

Question 2:
The 4 players have these following wait shapes:



Question 3:

And you have successfully reached the end of today’s quiz issue! See you next time.
For question 3, doesn’t 2223344455666p also work? I could get 223344p, 334455p, 445566p with it. Am I missing something here?